发布日期:2025-01-04 15:09 点击次数:94
上海奉贤 象屿江湾悦府售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。象屿江湾悦府售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!4月12日,位于奉贤金汇板块龙湖天街一路之隔的象屿江湾悦府在万众期待之下震撼登场!开盘首日劲销130套,市场反应热烈,以一份漂亮的首开答卷,领傲南滨江!引燃200-300万级市场热情!售楼处实拍图项目推出市场愈发珍稀的建面约76-83-95-97㎡2-3房,特别建面约76㎡,在普遍95㎡起步的市场中,堪称难得一遇,上车总价很温柔,预计228万(7-101、7-104)起,首付23万起。另外,预算充足的改善客群还有建面约123/138m²叠加以及约143㎡平层可选。228万起更近市区,配套更成熟的项目同时与龙湖天街一路之隔,占位金汇C位当下市场多少有些许下行,但项目一出场就备受客户热捧,我想背后反映的事实就是,象屿江湾悦府就是228万起置业的标准答案。1、同样距离人广28公里,项目是全市价格洼地,性价比高项目直线距离人民广场约28公里。以相同半径画圈,同一纬度的圆周板块,新房价格普遍约4.8万/㎡,部分超过5万/㎡。而项目高层均价仅“3”字头,“突兀”得有些不现实,无疑是同纬度下性价比之选。换言之,228万起的预算,象屿江湾悦府是你能买到的离市区更近、更优质的楼盘。而离市中心的距离是买房王道,因为后期花再多钱也改变不了。2、在浦星公路、林海公路便捷交通加持下,项目与大浦东及闵行的价格剪刀差巨大,性价比超高项目周边的浦星公路、林海公路、虹梅南路、S4沪金高速四条大动脉就像毛细血管一样纵贯大浦东、闵行心脏地带,自驾前滩、徐汇便捷,甚至能接南北高架,到市中心通勤效率都很高。还有BRT快速交通,可直达轨交8号线直抵前滩。关键在高效通勤下,价格剪刀差巨大,这让项目性价比十分突出。特别是从浦锦、周浦到金汇,自驾通畅,但价格几乎砍半。所以,于大浦东预算228万起的上班族,项目可谓通勤神盘!3、同样228万起板块,金汇不仅近市区,还拥有更好的界面、配套成熟度和配套能级那除了金汇,总价228万起还能买哪里?无非嘉定徐行、青浦重固、松江车墩、金山新城以及临港。这些板块要么实在太远,要么配套太弱,等10年都不一定能成熟。于刚需自住,于市区拆迁客,要的是能立享配套,要的是配套落地且规格高。那在228万起的板块,金汇可以说是唯一解!首先在界面上,金汇云集了大量品质开发商,象屿、朗诗、禹洲、龙湖等打造的商品房一路连缀,界面崭新,品质住区氛围已成。金汇实景图,来源奉贤官微其次龙湖金汇天街的开业,让金汇生活方式更加潮流、时尚。而象屿江湾悦府占位金汇C位,与龙湖金汇天街一路之隔。以后业主日咖夜酒,近在咫尺。而大型商业对于住宅价值拉升作用不言而喻,特别是紧邻商业的项目。比如,南翔印象城旁的星信名邸二手房价约7万/㎡,要比离商业远的同品质项目高出约1万/㎡。龙湖金汇天实景图, 图片来源奉贤官微另外,项目直线约6公里范围内,还聚集奉贤天街、南桥百联中心、奉贤宝龙广场三大商业综合体,多元消费场景,尽在掌握(距离来源百度地图测量,仅供参考)。教育上,名校纷至沓来,给予家长更高期待。直线距离项目约300米即为九年一贯制上海大学附属奉贤实验学校,现已基本完工,预计2024年9月建成开办(来源奉贤官微)。上海大学附属奉贤实验学校在建图, 图片来源奉贤官微周边还坐落着上大附幼、东华大学附属奉贤致远中学(预计2024年6月交付使用,来源上海奉贤)、上海中学国际部(在建)等。228万起的板块教育大部分是规划中,金汇是已落地或正在落地,且规格可期,确定性强太多了。医疗上,三甲医院环伺,优质医疗聚集。项目南侧直线约1公里,即为三甲国妇婴奉贤院区、复旦附属儿科医院(规划待建)。周边还有建面近2万方的金汇社区医院、奉贤区皮肤病防治所及牙病防治所、金汇母婴社区(在建),三甲综合性医院新华医院奉贤院区(直线距离项目约6.4公里)也即将于2025年投入运营。金汇医院实景图、效果图, 图片来源奉贤官微优质医院是风向标,因为整个上海南部都不多见,如今却都云集金汇,可见政府对于这一崭新片区有着极高的期许。对于市区动迁的养老客户,金汇的优质医院简直太友好了。休闲环境上,多种城市绿肺环绕,离大型公建配套也很近。在上海这个卷都,不缺高楼大厦,缺的是能够调节快生活的闲适环境。项目周边聚集达令港公园、南桥中央生态公园(在建中)、上海之鱼、浦江郊野公园等城市绿肺,生活太惬意了。另外,九棵树艺术中心、海之花市民活动中心也在附近,业主可尽享人文艺术氛围。九棵树艺术中心实景图,来源奉贤官微事实上,现在很多板块开发趋缓了,后市不确定性很大。所以,与其赌很多板块的规划大饼,不如金汇实实在在的高阶配套,所见即所得,让你买得更安心。综上,象屿江湾悦府就是228万起大浦东自住乃至市区拆迁客户养老的更优选择。奉贤新城+临港新片区+三水交汇多重势能东方美谷、大零号湾产业辐射,势能澎湃当然,如果你是资产配置,象屿江湾悦府也是228万起板块中当仁不让的选择。一方面,项目既属于奉贤新城,又属于临港新片区,双重势能叠加。我一再强调,买五个新城,一定要买进界限内。象屿江湾悦府不仅在奉贤新城范围内,可共享奉贤新城的配套以及发展红利。更是奉贤新城中离市区更近,与市区连接更紧密的项目。同时项目还处在临港新片区的范围之内,是873平方公里的“桥头堡”,随着新片区的一路高歌猛进,项目中长期也将持续拥有政策辐射。而纵观同级项目,普遍处在远离新城核心的弱势区域,前途不明朗。拥有“双重身份”的象屿江湾悦府,无疑是更具前景的选择。另外,项目更位处“三水交汇湾”黄金四象限之一,承载着东方美谷美丽生态产业、浦东金融实业产业、大零号湾科技创新产业的叠加优势,未来将成为高精尖人才外溢居住的首站。国企象屿深耕奉贤,交付力强,买得更安心主力建面约76-97㎡2-3房,上车更轻松回到项目,开发商象屿不仅是国企,还是上海土拍市场上的常客,说明这家企业深耕上海的决心以及蓬勃发展的企业活力。同时,它更是积极参与奉贤城市建设的房企之一,之前公园悦府、滨江悦府两个项目都已经交付,实景交付效果非常棒,体现了国企品质担当。于购房者,象屿稳健性强,又了解奉贤,相当于给购房者吃下了一颗定心丸,买得更安心。象屿滨江悦府实景图此次在象屿江湾悦府,开发商不仅考量精致美学和社区功能的表达,更为魔都奋斗的年轻人、996精英、带来了惬意松弛的度假式生活。项目用十字森林轴线,打开社区视觉通廊,也打开充盈着生命力、自然力的邻里交际场。四大入户花园,约170米芳香绿廊,一步一景,让居者在城市快节奏生活中能够感受到静下来、慢下来的感受,在独处中治愈身心。景观示意图同时通过景观功能创造停留节点,触发更多的停留和遇见的可能性,让社交在自然而然中发生。比如,轻氧阵地、夜光跑道、多龄段儿童游乐区,既满足全龄化运动需要,也形成一个个交汇节点与共享基地,增进邻里交往。景观示意图户型是项目非常大的亮点。一方面,有市场极度珍稀的建面约76㎡2房,在市场普遍95㎡起步下,给予购房者难得的轻松上车的机遇,非常适合外地单身和小两口,据悉该户型主力总价仅约260、270万。另外,建面约83㎡市面常见的为2房,而项目做到极致3房,相当于以2房价格买3房。另一方面,户型设计有创新,与时俱进,真正契合购房者的需求点。连建面约76㎡2房都能做到创新分户S墙,市面罕见,内嵌收纳,也可将冰箱外移,释放厨房空间,营造合理餐厨动线。同时厨房双移门设置,打开了室内视野。做饭的同时能与客厅里的家人随时互动,打破了原本厨房的“孤独感”,赋予家庭更多情感交流。建面约83㎡不仅做到了3房极致功能,三开间朝南+动静分区+全卧飘窗,给家庭创造了更舒适的户型空间。餐厨一体化是点睛之笔,既放大了公区的视野和尺度感,更释放了生活幸福因子,模糊空间界限,放大公区潜能,营造爱与美食共融的家。建面约95-97㎡为3房2卫,功能性强,双卫设计,生活更加从容。预算充足的小伙伴,项目还有奉贤新城难得的叠加别墅。附建面约123㎡上叠户型图:附建面约135㎡下叠户型图:中叠是建面约143㎡大平层,超大面宽,房间位于四个角,相互干扰少,得房率高,舒适度拉满。此外在装修上,中央空调、地暖、新风系统品牌三大件,一应俱全,厨房甚至配备了洗碗机和凉霸,细节满满。最后附上一房一价表:228万起购房者遇到品质上车盘开发商稳健、社区&户型好外部商业、教育、医疗、环境等也都非常成熟走过路过不要错过上海奉贤 象屿江湾悦府售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。象屿江湾悦府售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!Shanghai Fengxian Xiangyu Jiangwan YuefuSales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers, comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including real estate details, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratios, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, record prices, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest developments, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!On April 12th, Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu, located across Longhu Tianjie in the Jinhui area of Fengxian, made a stunning debut amidst the anticipation of countless people! On the first day of opening, 130 sets were sold vigorously, and the market response was enthusiastic. With a beautiful opening answer sheet, we led the way in the South Binjiang!Ignite market enthusiasm of 2-3 million yuan!Real photos taken at the sales officeThe project has launched a 2-3 bedroom building with an area of approximately 76-83-95-97 square meters, which is becoming increasingly rare in the market. The special building covers an area of approximately 76 square meters, making it a rare occurrence in the market where 95 square meters are commonly used. The total price of the vehicle is very gentle, with an estimated starting price of 2.28 million yuan (7-101, 7-104) and a down payment of 230000 yuan.In addition, the budget is sufficient to improve the customer base and the building area is about 123/138m ² Overlay and approximately 143 square meters of flat layers are available.Starting from 2.28 million, projects closer to the urban area with more mature supporting facilitiesAt the same time, separated from Longhu Tianjie Road, occupying the C spot of JinhuiThe current market is experiencing some slight decline, but the project has been highly sought after by customers since its launch. I think the fact reflected behind it is that Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu is the standard answer for starting 2.28 million properties.1. The project is located 28 kilometers away from people and is a city wide price depression with high cost-effectivenessThe project is approximately 28 kilometers away from People's Square in a straight line.Drawing circles with the same radius and latitude, the price of new houses is generally around 48000 yuan per square meter, with some exceeding 50000 yuan per square meter.However, the average price of the project's senior management is only starting with "3", which is somewhat unrealistic and undoubtedly the best value for money option in the same latitude.In other words, with a budget starting at 2.28 million yuan, Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu is the closest and higher quality property you can buy to the city center. The distance from the city center is the king of buying a house, because no matter how much money is spent later on, it cannot be changed.2. With the convenient transportation of Puxing Road and Linhai Road, the project has a huge price difference compared to Da Pudong and Minhang, and its cost-effectiveness is extremely highThe four major arteries surrounding the project, including Puxing Road, Linhai Road, Hongmei South Road, and S4 Shanghai Jin Expressway, run through the heart of Greater Pudong and Minhang like capillaries. It is convenient for self driving to Qiantan and Xuhui, and even connects to the north-south elevated road. Commuting to the city center is very efficient.There is also BRT rapid transit, which can directly reach Qiantan via the rail transit line 8.The key lies in efficient commuting, with a huge price scissors difference, which makes the project's cost-effectiveness very outstanding. Especially from Pujin, Zhoupu to Jinhui, self driving is smooth, but the price is almost halved.So, for office workers with a budget starting from 2.28 million yuan in Pudong, the project can be called a commuting masterpiece!3. Starting from 2.28 million sectors, Jinhui not only has a close proximity to the urban area, but also has better interfaces, mature supporting facilities, and supporting energy levelsWhere else can I buy from a total price of 2.28 million yuan, besides Jinhui?It's nothing more than Jiading Xuxing, Qingpu Zhonggu, Songjiang Chedun, Jinshan New City, and Lingang. These sectors are either too far away or their supporting facilities are too weak, and they may not necessarily mature after 10 years.For those who just need to live on their own and for those who need to relocate in the city, what they want is to be able to enjoy the supporting facilities, and what they want is to have the supporting facilities on site with high specifications.In the sector starting at 2.28 million yuan, Jinhui can be said to be the only solution!Firstly, on the interface, Jinhui has gathered a large number of high-quality developers, such as Xiangyu, Longshi, Yuzhou, Longhu, etc., to create a continuous connection of commercial housing. The interface is brand new, and the atmosphere of high-quality residential areas has become.Jinhui Realistic Picture, sourced from Fengxian Official WeChat accountSecondly, the opening of Longhu Jinhui Tianjie has made Jinhui's lifestyle more trendy and fashionable.And Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu occupies position C in Jinhui, separated from Longhu Jinhui Tianjie.In the future, the owner will have coffee and wine every day and night, which is within reach.It is self-evident that large commercial properties have a significant impact on the value of residential properties, especially for projects adjacent to commercial properties.For example, the second-hand housing price of Xingxin Mingdi next to Nanxiang Impression City is about 70000 yuan/square meter, which is about 10000 yuan/square meter higher than the same quality project far from the commercial area.Longhu Jinhuitian Realistic Picture, Image Source: Fengxian Official WeChatIn addition, within a straight-line range of about 6 kilometers, the project also gathers three major commercial complexes: Fengxian Tianjie, Nanqiao Bailian Center, and Fengxian Baolong Square, with diverse consumption scenarios available for easy access (measured by Baidu Maps for reference only).In terms of education, prestigious schools are coming one after another, placing higher expectations on parents.The nine-year consistent Shanghai University Affiliated Fengxian Experimental School is approximately 300 meters away from the project in a straight line. It has been basically completed and is expected to be completed and opened in September 2024 (source from Fengxian official WeChat).Shanghai University Affiliated Fengxian Experimental School under construction, image source from Fengxian official WeChat accountSurrounding the area are also Shanghai University Affiliated Primary School, Donghua University Affiliated Fengxian Zhiyuan Middle School (expected to be delivered and put into use in June 2024, sourced from Fengxian, Shanghai), and Shanghai High School International Department (under construction).Most of the education sectors starting from 2.28 million are under planning, and Jinhui has already been or is currently being implemented, with predictable specifications and strong certainty.In terms of medical care, top tier hospitals provide excellent medical services.On the south side of the project, there is a straight line of about 1 kilometer, which is the Third Class Women and Infants Fengxian Hospital and Fudan Affiliated Pediatric Hospital (planned to be built).There are also Jinhui Community Hospital, Fengxian District Skin Disease Prevention and Treatment Center, and Jinhui Maternal and Child Community (under construction) with a construction area of nearly 20000 square meters in the surrounding area. The Fengxian Campus of Xinhua Hospital, a tertiary comprehensive hospital (approximately 6.4 kilometers away from the project), is also expected to be put into operation in 2025.Realistic and rendering images of Jinhui Hospital, sourced from Fengxian official WeChat accountHigh quality hospitals are a barometer, as they are rare in the entire southern part of Shanghai, but now they are all concentrated in Jinhui, indicating that the government has high expectations for this emerging area.For elderly care customers who have relocated to urban areas, Jinhui's high-quality hospital is simply too friendly.In terms of leisure environment, there are various green lungs surrounding the city, and it is also very close to the supporting facilities of large public buildings.In this bustling city of Shanghai, there is no shortage of high-rise buildings, what is lacking is a leisurely environment that can regulate a fast-paced lifestyle.The project is surrounded by urban green lungs such as Darlinggang Park, Nanqiao Central Ecological Park (under construction), Shanghai Fish, and Pujiang Countryside Park, making life too comfortable.In addition, the Jiukeshu Art Center and Haizhihua Citizen Activity Center are also nearby, allowing homeowners to fully enjoy the cultural and artistic atmosphere.Realistic picture of Jiukeshu Art Center, sourced from Fengxian official WeChat accountIn fact, the development of many sectors has slowed down now, and there is great uncertainty in the future.So, instead of betting on the planning of many sectors, it's better for Jinhui to have practical high-end supporting facilities, where what you see is what you get, so you can buy with more peace of mind.In summary, Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu is a better choice for elderly care for 2.28 million self occupied and even urban demolition customers in Pudong.Fengxian New City+Lingang New Area+Three Rivers Intersection Multiple Potential EnergyThe industrial radiation of Dongfang Meigu and DaZero Bay is surging with potential energyOf course, if you are an asset allocation, Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu is also an undeniable choice among the 2.28 million sectors.On the one hand, the project belongs to both Fengxian New City and Lingang New Area, with a dual potential energy accumulation.I have repeatedly emphasized that when buying five new cities, one must buy within the boundaries.Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu is not only within the scope of Fengxian New City, but can also share the supporting facilities and development dividends of Fengxian New City.It is also a project in Fengxian New City that is closer to the city center and more closely connected to the city center.At the same time, the project is still within the scope of the Lingang New Area, which is a "bridgehead" of 873 square kilometers. With the rapid development of the new area, the project will continue to have policy radiation in the medium and long term.However, looking at projects at the same level, they are generally located in vulnerable areas far from the core of the new city, and the future is unclear. Having a dual identity, Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu is undoubtedly a more promising choice.In addition, the project is located in one of the golden four quadrants of the "Three Rivers Intersection Bay", carrying the combined advantages of the beautiful ecological industry of Dongfang Meigu, the financial and industrial industry of Pudong, and the technological innovation industry of the Greater Zero Bay. In the future, it will become the first stop for the overflow of high-precision and cutting-edge talents.State owned enterprise Xiangyu deeply cultivates Fengxian, with strong delivery power and more reassuring purchasing experienceThe main building covers an area of approximately 76-97 square meters with 2-3 rooms, making boarding easierReturning to the project, developer Xiangyu is not only a state-owned enterprise, but also a frequent customer in the Shanghai land auction market, indicating the determination of this enterprise to deeply cultivate Shanghai and its thriving vitality.At the same time, it is also one of the real estate enterprises actively participating in the construction of Fengxian city. Previously, both the Park Yuefu and Binjiang Yuefu projects have been delivered, and the actual delivery effect is excellent, reflecting the quality responsibility of state-owned enterprises.For homebuyers, Xiangyu has strong stability and a good understanding of Fengxian, which is equivalent to giving them a reassuring pill and making their purchases more reassuring.Realistic view of Xiangyu Binjiang YuefuAt Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu, the developer not only considered the expression of exquisite aesthetics and community functions, but also brought a comfortable and relaxed vacation style life to the young people and 996 elites who are striving for the magic city.The project uses the cross forest axis to open up the visual corridor of the community and also opens up a vibrant and natural neighborhood communication field.Four major entrance gardens, approximately 170 meters of fragrant green corridors, step by step scenery, allow residents to feel the feeling of calmness and slowing down in the fast-paced urban life, and heal their body and mind in solitude.Landscape schematic diagramAt the same time, by creating stop nodes through landscape functions, more possibilities of stopping and encountering are triggered, allowing social interaction to occur naturally.For example, light oxygen fields, night lit runways, and multi age children's playgrounds not only meet the needs of all age sports, but also form intersection nodes and shared bases to enhance neighborhood communication.Landscape schematic diagramThe layout is a significant highlight of the project.On the one hand, there is an extremely rare 2-bedroom apartment with a construction area of about 76 square meters in the market. With a starting area of 95 square meters in the market, it provides buyers with a rare opportunity to easily get on the car, which is very suitable for single and young couples in other areas. It is reported that the main total price of this apartment type is only about 2.6 to 2.7 million yuan.In addition, with a construction area of about 83 square meters, the common option in the market is a 2-bedroom apartment, while achieving the ultimate goal of a 3-bedroom apartment is equivalent to buying a 3-bedroom apartment at a 2-bedroom price.On the other hand, the layout design is innovative, keeping up with the times, and truly meeting the needs of homebuyers.Innovative split household S-walls can be achieved with a building area of about 76 square meters and two rooms, which is rare in the market. It is embedded for storage and can also move the refrigerator outside to free up kitchen space and create a reasonable dining and kitchen flow.At the same time, the kitchen is equipped with double sliding doors, which open up the indoor view. While cooking, one can interact with family members in the living room at any time, breaking the loneliness of the original kitchen and providing more emotional communication for the family.The construction area of about 83 square meters not only achieves the ultimate function of three rooms, but also features three bays facing south, dynamic and static partitions, and full bedroom bay windows, creating a more comfortable living space for families.The integration of dining and kitchen is the finishing touch, which not only amplifies the perspective and sense of scale of the public area, but also releases the factor of happiness in life, blurs spatial boundaries, amplifies the potential of the public area, and creates a home where love and food blend together.The building covers an area of approximately 95-97 square meters and consists of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, with strong functionality and a dual bathroom design, making life more comfortable.A budget savvy partner, the project also features a rare stacked villa in Fengxian New City.Attached is a layout plan for a 123 ㎡ stacked apartment:Attached is a floor plan for a 135 ㎡ stacked unit:The middle stack is a large flat floor with a building area of about 143 square meters, with a super wide surface. The rooms are located at four corners, with minimal interference, high occupancy rate, and full comfort.In addition, in terms of decoration, the three major brands of central air conditioning, underfloor heating, and fresh air systems are fully equipped, and the kitchen is even equipped with a dishwasher and cooler, with full details.Finally, please find attached the one room one price list:2.28 million homebuyers encounter high-quality car listingsStable developer, good community and layoutExternal business, education, healthcare, environment, etcThey are also very matureDon't miss out on passing byShanghai Fengxian Xiangyu Jiangwan YuefuSales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Xiangyu Jiangwan Yuefu Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers, comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including real estate details, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratios, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, record prices, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest developments, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!